Make money using your computer with these winning ideas. All you need is internet access, the desire to work hard and earn income from home, commitment to your idea and a measure of entrepreneurial spirit! Your computer can be the gateway to starting a successful home business.
Here are some of the ways people have successfully made money from the comfort of their own homes using their computers.
Start a home based secretarial and typing service
If you can type and have relevant software such as MS Word you can set yourself up as a remote secretary. Companies are increasingly outsourcing data entry work and secretarial tasks to work at home services as they try to reduce the costs of permanent employees. Work that is often outsourced includes data input such as customer lists, typing of reports, transcriptions, spreadsheets and communications.
Develop promotional material to advertise your typing services such as flyers and business cards and distribute these to local businesses. You can put together a marketing pack that includes samples of your work, a list of all the services you offer, the rates you charge and all your contact details. Target organizations that need secretarial and typing work done but are unlikely to have their own fulltime secretary or typist. These include local churches and community organizations, schools, small business owners and sole traders, start-ups and seasonal businesses, libraries and charities.
Another way to reach local businesses is to place a small classified advertisement in your local newspaper or community newsletter. Once you get your first clients and you provide an excellent service you will get referrals and your business will grow and grow through word of mouth.
Sign up as a freelance writer from home
Work from home online business ideas include setting up as a freelance writer. You can promote your services to local businesses and organizations as well as find writing assignments online. Assignments include business and sales writing, writing for webmasters and technical writing. Various online freelance sites list assignments and allow you to bid for them. These include Elance and Guru. You can also find freelance writing opportunities advertised on Craigslist. Join an online freelance writing forum and network to find assignments.
Approach local companies with your writing portfolio and offer your writing skills to create marketing and sales materials, write press releases and develop technical material.
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